Ministry Camps

What is a Ministry Camp?
A Ministry Camp is a low-cost, high-impact, five to seven day creative ministry strategy that a youth director can use for the more committed youth in their church. This is a unique peer-to-peer ministry opportunity for potential and existing student leaders. By using a rural church setting as a platform for developing these student leaders, youth workers can bring about the spiritual depth and ministry skill development they desire for their students.

Why Should I Do A Ministry Camp?
A Ministry Camp will provide your students with the highest level ministry experience, equipping them for a life of ministry. They will be challenged, stretched spiritually, and taken out of their comfort zone as they develop ministry skills through this hands-on opportunity. By serving through a rural church, your students will encounter Jesus Christ in life-changing ways.

How Do I Get Started?
To get started planning a Ministry Camp, contact Tom Horton at (206) 954-4100 at his home office in the Seattle area or via email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All additional information is free.